Atlantic Hijack by Sam Grant - $2.99


Atlantic Hijack. Kindle Edition!

By Sam Grant (Author)



Atlantic Hijack

A safe, orderly passage aboard a cargo liner is ripped aside by a brutal terrorist assault. Writer Sam Grant brings his skilled seafaring expertise to bear on this thriller that sounds all too acquainted from our night information bulletins.
Apprentice engineer Mike Peters is discovering his toes amongst a solid of nautical characters because the Albany Princess voyages to Montevideo. However the ship’s personnel usually are not all that they make themselves out to be, as revealed throughout a quickly unravelling hijack within the South Atlantic.




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From the Writer

Atlantic Hijack is a sea journey with a thriller factor, because the identify suggests. It’s set within the nineteen sixties, previous to the period of delivery containers. The prologue introduces the reader to Mike Peters, Second Mate on board Ocean  Melody in 1968. The overall  cargo liner is getting ready to go away Liverpool for Montevideo. Mike describes the departure, whereas reminiscing in regards to the terrorist assault six years beforehand in 1962.

          Chapter one begins with Mike Peters in 1962 as a deck apprentice aboard Albany Princess coming back from South America.   Sam Grant’s actual life expertise as a service provider mariner offers authenticity to ship board life on this fictional story. Ashore in Liverpool Mike and Tom the 2  apprentices meet up with Jane and Christina at a dance by no means anticipating  to see them once more.   Mike goes on depart and re-joins Albany Princess then in Tilbury dry dock.
         The ship earlier than  leaves for the South American ports of Montevideo and Buenos Aires.   The ship’s personnel not all that they make themselves out to be.  Set within the nineteen sixties when the Beatles have been performing on the Cavern membership and the dance referred to as the Twist was widespread Atlantic Hijack captures a memorable interval in current historical past.  Lots of of ships just like the one described arrived and departed from ports across the UK.  Sam describes not solely the period, however offers an evocative description of ship board crew member  characters, earlier than the overall cargo ship Albany Princess is taken over by terrorists.

From the Inside Flap

                                                   ATLANTIC  HIJACK
                                                     BY  SAM GRANT

 Atlantic Hijack Kindle Edition

From the Back Cover


                                      Latitiude——34 51′ 29″   South

                                      Longitude—–56 10′ 14″    West

                            A secure orderly passage aboard a cargo liner is

                           ripped aside by a brutal terrorist assault. Writer Sam
                           Grant brings his skilled seafaring experiences to
                           bear on this thriller that sounds all too acquainted from
                           our night information bulletins .
                            Apprentice Mike Peters is discovering his toes amongst
                            a solid of nautical characters because the Albany Princess
                            voyages to Montevideo. However the ship’s personnel
                            usually are not all that they make themselves out to be. as
                            revealed throughout a quickly unravelling hijack within the
                            South Atlantic.

About the Writer

   Sam Grant’s first novel Atlantic Hijack ( first revealed 2014) attracts on precise seafaring expertise.  Sam’s first publication was the poem Dispatch Time, revealed by United Press. Sam continued submitting competitors poems whereas writing Atlantic Hijack. Quite a few these, together with sea poems at the moment are revealed.  Aside from employment as a ship’s officer Sam skilled staff within the office and was employed in managerial positions within the retail commerce. Sam served aboard eight British service provider ships, which traded worldwide.  One ship was contracted to a New York firm, the place the ship traded between Venezuela and New Jersey for a six month interval.

   Atlantic Hijack by Sam Grant describes seafaring life within the nineteen sixties with an authenticity, which could be absent from  fictional novel accounts of ship board life.

   Sam’s second novel  Dancing on the Seaside ( First revealed 2016)  is a romantic thriller, which captures the ambiance of a sleepy seaside vacation city.  There’s  narrative  portrayal  by means of the eyes of  a Phillip Norton, who obtains employment as a deck chair attendant.  Phillip, then, unaware menace lurks inside this relaxed environment.  He’s quickly right into a heady romance with the receptionist at The Sea View Hotel.
   Sam, brings added authenticity to this depiction, from  two seasons employed within the position of deck chair attendant.  Sam originates from a sea aspect city on the South coast.  He  signed, aged sixteen  and accomplished  a 4 year  indenture with a delivery firm.  This adopted   on from  two years  pre-sea coaching at HMS Conway.  Dancing on the Seaside by  Sam Grant is a second revealed novel.


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