God’s Amazing Grace by Brenda Lee Compton - $3.99

God’s Amazing Grace: A Collection of Inspirational Poems and Stories. Kindle Version!

By Brenda Lee Compton (Writer)



The Writer created this e-book in the identical styling of writing because the Writer’s do for ‘Rooster Soup For The Soul’ books. All Tales are true life experiences. Names and Areas modified to guard the identities of all people concerned.


The creator was someway one of many characters of three of the enclosed tales. The fourth brief story was on different hand was created utilizing a number of mixed tales that was shared together with her; to create one heartwarming story.


Every taken and poem was written by the creator and shared to assist encourage and make a connection between the reader and tales being instructed. The Writer hopes you the reader will discover enlightenment. Maybe a way of consider that something is feasible.


When you’re on the finish of your rope….. You may survive what appears un-survivable. Or maybe you possibly can see the real love that’s inside and value by no means giving up the seek for.

Blissful Studying

God's Amazing Grace


Concerning the Writer



Brenda Compton was born in Chicago Illinois. Has resided in Tennessee since she was a baby. A straightforward going laid again type of girl. She enjoys writing completely different kinds and genres.


Firmly believes you will discover inspiration nearly in every single place. Her writing model typically feeds off of her feelings and life experiences. At present occupies house in Knoxville Tennessee together with her three youngsters.


Purchase Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01E3VEIMW

Contact Details

lildestiny976@hotmail.com http://amzn.to/2gTXNmq https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01E3VEIMW

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Category Motivational Added Dec 2, 2016 Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01E3VEIMW Views 2395 Rating
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